Michael Sanders

Marriage Counseling Austin TX

Marriage is a beautiful and challenging journey, but it can be even more difficult when faced with obstacles that require professional help. If you’re looking for marriage counseling in Austin Texas, we’ve got your back! This helpful local guide will provide an overview of the top-rated marriage counselors in town – so you don’t have to worry about finding someone who understands what you need.

We know how important it is to find the right counselor for your individual situation. That’s why each therapist listed here has been carefully vetted based on their expertise and experience working with couples from all walks of life. With these professionals, you can rest assured knowing that they understand the unique needs of married couples in Austin Texas.

Whether you’re dealing with long-standing issues or just getting started on this incredible journey together, we hope our guide helps make finding the perfect couples counselor easier for you and your partner! Let’s dive into some of the best therapists available in Austin TX and see which one might be right for you.

Choosing The Right Counselor

Finding the right marriage counselor is an important step for couples looking to strengthen their relationship. Whether you’re located in Austin, TX or elsewhere, it’s worth finding a qualified professional with experience and expertise that fits your needs. Here are some tips on how to choose the best marriage counselor for you.

When selecting a marriage counseling service (or even a premarital counseling service)in Austin Texas, look for someone who understands both of your backgrounds and experiences. A successful counselor should be able to relate to each partner’s feelings and perspectives and provide guidance tailored to your individual situation. Furthermore, ensure that the person has the credentials necessary to practice as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Austin Texas so that they have received proper training and meet all state requirements.

It can also help if you feel comfortable sharing intimate details with this particular therapist. To determine if you might be a good fit, many counselors offer free consultations which gives both partners time to ask questions about qualifications, experience and other aspects of working together before committing to therapy sessions. Amy Lombardi LPC offers potential clients 15 minutes of complimentary phone consultation so make sure to take advantage of this opportunity!

Regardless of where you live, taking time find the perfect match is well worth it when considering marriage counseling services – especially those offered by Amy Lombardi LPC in Austin Texas. She provides thoughtful feedback grounded in years of research-based practices combined with her own life experiences – making her uniquely qualified to work with couples from diverse backgrounds seeking substantive change within their relationships…

Amy Lombardi, LPC

If you’re looking for therapy Austin, Amy Lombardi is an ideal choice. Alluring and affable, she offers therapist help for any couple that needs to solve their relationship problems 

Amy’s amiable approach to marriage therapy helps couples foster meaningful connections.

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How To Save Your Marriage From Divorce

Divorce rates are on the rise – according to a recent study, nearly half of all marriages in America end in divorce. It can be an incredibly stressful and draining experience for both partners, but it doesn’t have to be your fate! In this article, I’m going to share with you some tips on how to save your marriage from divorce. As a marriage counselor, I know that relationships take work, but there’s still hope if you’re willing to put in the effort. If you want to keep your relationship strong and avoid becoming another statistic, then read on – I’ll provide practical advice so that you can get back on track with your partner.

Your desire for intimacy is what makes any relationship special – and it’s also something that needs tending too! Whether its communication issues or differences between yourself and your partner; each situation is unique when it comes to saving a marriage from divorce. I’ll provide steps that will help bring clarity into situations where things seem overwhelming or confusing. We’ll look at techniques such as active listening and effective communication tools which can go a long way towards reconnecting with each other.

And finally, we’ll examine ways of reaching out for further support if needed. With couples therapy or individual counseling sessions available, these services can give you access to valuable insight which may not always be accessible through self-help resources alone. So let’s get started – together we’ll explore various strategies that can help turn around even the most troubled of marriages!

Identify And Acknowledge The Issues

When couples are facing a divorce, it can be easy to assume that the relationship has no hope of being salvaged. But with the right help and guidance, it is possible to save your marriage from ending in divorce!
The first step on this journey is to identify and acknowledge the issues present in your relationship. This isn’t always easy – after all, we can often be blind to our own flaws or misunderstandings. However, you must strive for an honest understanding of both partners’ perspectives if any progress is meant to happen.
As a marriage counselor, I have seen many relationships repaired over time when each partner took responsibility for their part in creating the difficulties they were facing. You may need to work through hurtful arguments or painful memories while striving towards forgiveness and acceptance as part of this process. It’s important not to dwell too much on past mistakes; instead look forward together at ways these issues could be addressed going forward into a renewed relationship between you and your spouse.
By working together to understand what went wrong and how it could have been different, you will lay down strong foundations for effective communication and rebuilding trust within your union – giving yourselves another chance to make things better than ever before!

Establish Effective Communication

Communication is the foundation of a healthy marriage. It’s like two beams in a house, supporting its walls and keeping it from crumbling down into ruins.

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If you’re reading an article about how to improve your marriage, you’re probably expecting to learn problem-solving strategies, communication techniques, and insights about gender differences. Do I have a SURPRISE for you!

The key to renewing your marriage is none of those things.

How do I know this? Because I experienced it!

Hi, my name is Mort Fertel, author of Marriage Fitness, and unlike other relationship experts who approach the topic from a clinical perspective, for me marriage renewal is very personal. I’d like to share with you my story.

My wife and I started out deeply in love. I remember staying up all night talking, surprising each other with thoughtful gifts, and speaking to each other in code words. You know the feeling of really being connected? That was us.

But then something happened that destroys most marriages. We had a son who died when he was just one week old. And then we had twin daughters, who also died as newborns.

Understandably, my wife became depressed. I coped by immersing myself in work. We ran from each other emotionally.

Your situation probably was not so tragic, but something happened. What was it? How did you lose each other? Maybe you can’t put your finger on it, but things just aren’t the same, right?

For us, after losing 3 children, everything felt different. Instead of talking all night, it was a chore to talk for a few minutes. Instead of using our code words, we used curse words. Our relationship consisted of screaming matches and silent treatments.

Somewhere deep in our heart though, like you, we knew we didn’t want to lose each other. So we made a commitment to work on our marriage. Sometimes I tried and my wife didn’t. Sometimes my wife tried and I didn’t. We went through different stages of “trying.”

What did we try?

We tried the obligatory, “Honey, let me repeat what you said to make sure I understood you correctly.” We applied conflict resolution strategies. My wife learned about Mars and I learned about Venus. We even went to therapy to wrestle with our problems. But guess what. Nothing changed. Nothing worked.

All the advice we got (books, counselors, CD’s, whatever) asked us to face our problems. But that just made us feel worse. And fight more.

Then we had a breakthrough.

We decided to SET ASIDE OUR PROBLEMS and try to CONNECT with each other.

We used “POSITIVE relationship exercises” that transformed our marriage. Not only did we resolve our differences, we fell in love again! And we did it—not by dealing with our problems (as serious as they were)—but by establishing HEALTHY HABITS that brought positive energy to our relationship.

This is the solution to most marital situations! Believe it or not, the secret is to STEP AWAY FROM YOUR PROBLEMS and SPEND YOUR TIME AND ENERGY building your relationship through POSITIVE ACTIONS.

It’s counter intuitive, but if you strengthen your relationship, most of your problems will dissipate and what remains of them can be more easily resolved in a safer, softer, and more forgiving marital environment.

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